PaaS to AKS: an overview

This blog post is part of a series about building a production ready Continuous Integration setup for Sitecore using K8s containers on AKS. For more information and other articles on this subject check out the series index. Setting up a new environment from A to Z Going over a complete provisioning, installation and deployment of …

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PaaS to AKS: ARM for EDS

This blog post is part of a series about building a production ready Continuous Integration setup for Sitecore using K8s containers on AKS. For more information and other articles on this subject check out the series index. External Data Services A K8s deployment to AKS requires a number of so called external data services (EDS) …

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PaaS to AKS: scripts & secrets

This blog post is part of a series about building a production ready Continuous Integration setup for Sitecore using K8s containers on AKS. For more information and other articles on this subject check out the series index. Secrets management In general it is a bad idea to store credentials or secrets in your code repository. …

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From Sitecore PaaS to AKS – a series

From PaaS to AKS. Or actually, from running Sitecore on a full PaaS architecture using Web Apps, based on the Sitecore Azure Quickstart Templates (or my own ARM set derived from that), to a containerized Sitecore deployment using the Kubernetes specification files supplied by Sitecore, running on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Services). That’s the journey I …

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Automatic Forms data disposal

This is part two of my blog series on Data Privacy, accompanying my Sitecore modules developed for automatic disposal of personal data in Sitecore.Read part one if you’re new to this topic. An overview of Sitecore databases This is an overview of all non-content databases of a typical Sitecore installation. Mind that Cortex and the …

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Sliding expiration & automatic disposal

TL;DR? Here’s a quick summary Sitecore doesn’t remove xDB data automatically. You will need to execute the Right to be Forgotten either manually from the dashboard or from custom code. Setting your cookie lifetime to match your privacy policy only removes the link between the visitor’s browser and his data in xDB. If you do …

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Where did our Search go?

Azure Search will break your Sitecore 8.2 website A few days ago, one of our Azure production environments running Sitecore suddenly stopped working. At first it seemed to be just a ‘regular’ hick up and Azure reported auto-recovery:

The unavailability was correct. But it didn’t recover as it should. And the remark that no …

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Extending Sitecore using serverless architectures

Our universe is expanding, literally. But that also goes for both the Sitecore topology and the Azure stack. In this blog I want to take you on a trip through our Cloud galaxy to show you how you can manage this increased complexity and how you can leverage the potential of these new Azure services …

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Azure Gateway for Sitecore

Strong ciphers & SSL termination without ASE Multiple recent pen tests have shown us that Azure Web Apps by default do not support the (strong) SSL ciphers we desire. Not willing to make the jump to the Application Service Environment (ASE) right away, we decided to try and secure our Web Apps using an Application …

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Watch Robbie go headless

Lately, a few colleagues and me were brainstorming about a new concept for a customer, discovering new capabilities, and tinkering about innovations and how they could change the interaction with their users. It isn’t a new topic at all, but what if we could remove most of the user interface and focus on only those …

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