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From Sitecore PaaS to AKS – a series

From PaaS to AKS. Or actually, from running Sitecore on a full PaaS architecture using Web Apps, based on the Sitecore Azure Quickstart Templates (or my own ARM set derived from that), to a containerized Sitecore deployment using the Kubernetes specification files supplied by Sitecore, running on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Services). That’s the journey I …

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Where did our Search go?

Azure Search will break your Sitecore 8.2 website A few days ago, one of our Azure production environments running Sitecore suddenly stopped working. At first it seemed to be just a ‘regular’ hick up and Azure reported auto-recovery:

The unavailability was correct. But it didn’t recover as it should. And the remark that no …

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Symposium recap 2019

This year’s Sitecore Symposium in Orlando has been yet another vibrant edition, packed with inspiring keynotes, educational and in-depth breakout sessions, and a lot of interesting conversations with fellow Sitecore-minded developers, marketers and customers. The amount of breaking news announcements may not have been as high as last year, with Horizon, Cortex, Host, the Stylelabs …

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Rob Habraken

Software Engineer, Technology Director, Senior Consultant, Sitecore MVP and overall technology addict. Specialized in web development, Microsoft technology and, of course, Sitecore.

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